Friday 3 December 2021

Blogmas - Advent Day 3

The December days are whizzing by, day three already and now I have three pairs of new socks.  I love the colour and design of these 'running hare' socks and in a happy coincidence the bottle of Relaxing Pillow Spray from my Aldi beauty calendar matches beautifully ... so of course they had to be photographed on my lavender coloured sofa. 😀

Does anyone watch Stacey Solomon's latest show on BBC?   Sort Your Life Out With Stacey Solomon is a show where she and a team of three (including YouTuber Mr Carrington) help one family a week to declutter their messy homes.  While they sort through the masses of their possessions in a huge warehouse with Stacey, the rest of the team blitz the house, building cupboards and shelves etc and having a really good clean before the much smaller amount of belongings are brought back in.

I only ask because last night's show really hit a cord with me, the lady of the house had had an accident, damaging her back and her life had changed dramatically leaving her in constant pain and struggling to do what she had previously done without thought.  A lot of what she said and what you could see she was going through, and also how some of the family hadn't really realised the effect on her, just rang home ... and I went to bed early after a little sobby pity party of my own.

It's a good job I have socks to cheer me up 🧦

Sue xx 🎄


  1. Now those are great socks for the summer, even if yesterday's Christmas trees might cause comment!
    Yes, I watched "Sort your life out" and felt for the lady. She's had a tough time and hope things are still better for her now.
    I was very impressed with that gadget for making top shelves "come down to my level". I might look into that for myself.

    1. It was a really good idea wasn't it, if things don't improve for me I might look into something like that. 🙂

  2. I didn't watch it as I can't stand Stacey Solomon, but having finally got a diagnosis after 6 years of illness, pain and a treadmill of appointments, investigations, tests and procedures, I understand. Frustration and sadness are frequent feelings, and loved ones will never fully 'get it'.

    1. I didn't used to like her until I learned a bit more about her. She comes across as very caring and considerate of others in this series, maybe because she was pregnant when it was filmed. You are much more emotional when you're pregnant aren't you.

    2. I used to like her until I learned a bit more about her. Her Instagram is a revelation!

    3. I've just had a look, it just seems very family orientated, a bit heavy on the bump perhaps but nothing bad that would put me off. I know there's been a lot of negative press, but then that seems par for the course for most TV 'personalities' these days.

  3. Yes, I watched it (it is similar to the Nick Knowles version on another chanel - not sure who copied who). I have warmed to Stacey over the few weeks I have watched it and she seemed genuinely emotionally touched by the lady's predicament and that of her family in the program last night.
    I think in her situation where the pain and problems followed an accident the doctors do better at investigating and forming a diagnosis than they do for people who have problems and pain that cannot be pinpointed to an immediate cause - and some GP's even think it is a mental problem for some especially where blood tests and scans are not able to reveal the cause. Some people who are now experiencing severe neurological problems as a result of the vaccinations have even been deemed mental by the medical profession and these people have had to really push to get any help at all. They are not many but for them it has been life changing and there is no compensation to help them and no idea if they will ever get better. How awful it must be not to be listened to (I think Scarlet above has been in this position). Thankfully you have a good team on your side which is half the battle and hopefully they will strive to get you pain free and more mobile.
    Have a good sob now and again- losing part of yourself and gaining a new restricted version is not easy and you are bound to feel low at times especially when in constant pain.
    I hope all the gadgets and the improved living conditions really help that lovely family and that some of those ideas might be useful for you.
    PS the socks blend very well with the sofa.x

    1. The two shows being almost identical could be a coincidence, or perhaps one of those occasions where someone touted a show to a few channels and it was accidentally picked up by two. Stacey's was definitely televised first as the pilot episode was shown during the first lockdown.

      As soon as I saw the socks I knew I had to take the photo on the sofa 😀

  4. I didn't see the programme but poor lady, it must be so very tough for her. xx

    I love the sock and how beautifully they all coordinate. Clever you. xx

    1. I think she had had it really tough, but you could see the relief after they had gone through the sorting process and their home was so much safer for her.

      I'm loving all these socks, it makes a pleasant change from all my usual black ones :-)

  5. No, I've never watched the show although I've seen snippets. It's so depressing not to be able to do the things you used to do so easily isn't it Sue. I'm much older than you at 72 and find that it hurts my back even to lift a washing basket full of wet towels now. If G isn't at home I have to split the load into 2 or sometimes 3 trips to the tumble dryer in the garage. Dusting the skirting boards means getting down onto my knees instead of bending and then I struggle to get up again! You have a cry when it all gets a bit much, Sue, then carry on regardless. Hopefully, the great medical team you seem to have will sort out your treatment and get you back on an even keel. Sending ((hugs)) x
    PS Adore the socks and sleep mist :)

    1. Yep, it is truly depressing, I even have to fill the hot water bottle in two stages as the kettle is too heavy to hold up for long, but hopefully I will come through this.

      A cry a day keeps misery away ... haha ;-)

    2. Living with chronic illness and being so limited is awful. I love the sort your life out show and recently discovered the similar nik knowles one. I like how he puts tape on the floor in the warehouse so you can see how big a room each person has and then puts all the stuff from there room around the tape coz it really brings it home how much stuff they had in a room but i like Stacey's set up in the warehouse coz everything is lined up and organised and they say how much of somethings they have like 600 books etc plus I love Stacey's personality she's so down to earth and funny but do sympathetic to people. It inspires me to declutter more though I have to do it in stages due to chronic health problems.

    3. I meant she's so sympathetic not do sympathetic lol

    4. Decluttering in stages can be just as good as this all in method, as long as you get the things you have sorted out of the house as soon as you do it. Otherwise you are just creating boxes of clutter in corners waiting to be disposed off.

      I always think a quick declutter the day before bin collection day works a treat for more rubbishy items, once things are thrown away and collected that's it ... no changing your mind. 😀

  6. Great socks. What a sensible advent calendar. I missed that programme but sending hugs that it hit a chord with you and it all ended in tears. I've been very weepy recently (one thing or another worrying me) - life can suddenly change without warning.

    1. Sorry to hear that, I do hope you are feeling more like the 'old you' soon. I think there's a lot of us struggling with various things at the minute. 🤗

  7. I hope you're feeling a bit lighter today after your little weep yesterday. Love your socks! Jo in Wisconsin.

  8. Cute socks. And I love relaxing bed sprays.

    I hope you feel better today. Struggles are real and sometimes it seems like the only ones that notice is ourselves. ((Hugs)).

    God bless.

    1. Well I don't know if it was anything to do with the spray, but I slept really well last night 😀


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