Wednesday 8 December 2021

Blogmas - Advent Day 8


Sorry I'm a bit late with this one, I've been as sore as hell since my DEXA scan on Monday night, it was the lying flat bit (added to the journey there and back) that did it, it was worse this time than the MRI, and things are just running away with me.  I used to cope with so much so easily but last night I went to bed at nine o'clock with a hot water bottle, had a good cry and then slept until 4am this morning.  I'm feeling a bit fresher now but no doubt getting up so early will mean I droop early again tonight ... at this rate I'll be getting up before I've even gone to bed!!.

A quick update on my results for all those of you kind folk asking, your concern is very appreciated by the way.  I have got osteoporosis of the spine, although my hips are classed as 'good for a woman of my age' ... how to make you feel old in one sentence eh!!  I was told to phone my doctor to initiate the right treatment, which sounds exactly the same as that which my Mum has been taking for the last five or so years.  In the meantime Charlotte the radiologist, said to get myself some vitamin D and calcium tablets from the chemist and start on them, no doubt she had the inkling that me getting to even speak to a doctor at the moment might take a while.  When I finally got through yesterday morning after an hour of trying, all the phone consultation appointments were gone and I was told to try on again on Thursday when the my doctor has a few appointments still available.

So I'm going to have a word with the local pharmacist today and buy some calcium tablets and check that the vitamin D I already take is enough ... it should be, seemingly with my Veg 1 tablets from the Vegan Society and my multi-vitamins and iron tablets from Tesco I should be getting 500% of my daily requirements.

Todays Advent calendar socks have little foxes, very cute and the tiny little hand-cream from the Aldi beauty calendar will be great for slipping into my handbag.

While I've been opening my socks and toiletries calendars each day Alan has been opening the doors on his to reveal a selection of cheeses, chutneys and crackers.  

I photographed the ones he hadn't eaten like this ...

... but Alan said they should be laid out this way!!

Seemingly an engineers brain cries out for symmetry in everything ... even cheese and crackers. 😄

He had another calendar too but he seems to have completely eaten all of his Lindt chocolates including the Christmas Eve teddy bear ... naughty boy!!

Sue xx 🎄


  1. According to my Chiro, I have "beautiful hips" (e.g. in their condition and working)!! So sorry to hear about your Osteoporosis and hope that the Calcium and Vitamin D help. My best friend, who was also a vegan, developed osteoporosis too, which was bad news as she already had a severe scoliosis. Hoping you can get to see your Dr soon.

    1. We'll have to start a 'Hip Club' only those with good hips can join ... haha. :-)

      If I'd have gone vegan sooner I might be much better off - 'Milk depletes the calcium from your bones. So the very same calcium that our bones need to stay strong is utilized to neutralize the acidifying effect of milk. Once calcium is pulled out of the bones, it leaves the body via the urine, so that the surprising net result after this is an actual calcium deficit.'

      We are all brought up to believe that drinking cows milk helps our bones and teeth when in fact it's the exact opposite. It's far better to drink fortified plant milks or eat your greens.

  2. Hope you get through to the doctors - what a good thing your hips are OK for your age! bit like when someone is described as having 'child-bearing hips'

    1. I'll be ringing at 8am on the dot tomorrow to try and get to speak to my GP, then and only then can he make me a physical appointment for me to actually see him. It's a crazy system, but I do feel for them. They are under so much pressure at the moment. Our practice is much too small for the size of the town now and they are the only ones in town except for a private doctors.

  3. Oh Sue, I just want to give you a hug. Hope you get through to the GP tomorrow and get an appointment. The scans I had for arthritis showed I had none, which I was told was 'very good for a woman of my age' - seems it's a thing to describe us middle-aged (I refuse to say old!!) women in that way! I'm glad the socks are giving you a little bit of cheer each day, naughty Alan for eating all his chocs already! (to be honest, I'd probably be the same, Lindt chocs are my favourite). xx

    1. Hug me and I'll squeal ... loudly 🤣

      I used to love those big fat Lindt balls, the white ones were bliss. 😋

  4. Your T score must be quite low then to fall within in the osteoporosis band. Hopefully the Vit D and calcium may help to stabalise it. Being totally reliant on Thyroxin medication(which can raise the risk like many other medications) I have to watch I don't develop osteoporosis and my consultant requires me to take at least 2000iu a day of vitamin D especially through the dark winter months. Vitamin D increases the absorption of calcium and the darker the greens the higher the calcium content too so eat all the outer leaves of cabbage etc for maximum benefit.
    Hope you get that appointment soon it is not a good system now this ringing up on the day. Good luck.

    1. My Mum is on Thyroxin as well as all her osteoporosis and heart medications. I need to eat more dark greens for sure, it's a shame I prefer a good old Iceberg lettuce 🤣. I do need to improve my diet a bit, it's all gone a bit junky while I've been struggling to cook and have had no appetite.

    2. That is understandable and it will take time to adjust and alter your diet but at least you know what you need to aim for and sometimes it might just be a few little changes that have a big impact for you. x

    3. I think I'll start lobbing some broccoli into my pasta every time I have some just to get used to dark greens a bit more. Every little helps 😀

  5. I am so sorry about your osteoporosis. I hope you can get an appointment and that your local chemist is helpful. The socks are adorable.

  6. Sorry you have osteoporosis and hope the vitamins will help. Your daily Christmas socks are all adorable. I too would have photographed Alan's the same way as you did. I prefer photos not to be too uniform, it's more artistic that way, I think.

    1. Alan has always had to have things arranged symmetrically, he used to have the little mats for our cups and all the remote controls lined up on the coffee table, every time he left the room I would disrupt it all ... gosh I'm cruel ... but it cured him over time 🤣🤣

  7. Hope you get the solution to your osteoporosis problem from your doctor soon. Sorry for your pain and hope you find relief! You and Alan are sure enjoying your advent calendars!

    1. Hopefully I'll be able to speak to my doctor tomorrow. Yes we're loving our calenders. ❤️

  8. Welcome to the unwelcome O club :( Hope you can get an appointment soon. Take care.

    1. It's not a good club to be in is it, thank goodness for modern medicine etc

  9. Gosh that's a shock about milk 😳 I love my cheese too although I have had to reduce the amount I eat quite drastically as I'm developing an intolerance to dairy. Perhaps my body is trying to tell me something. G is on Thyroxine too so perhaps his Dystonia is not being helped by taking them. It's a blooming minefield taking pills isn't it. I'm so sorry to hear that the scan made you feel so rotten, Sue, but perhaps they can begin to give you more help now. You certainly deserve to get some relief from the pain.
    Great socks again and naughty, naughty Alan for eating all his chocs in one go 🤭 Hope you get a better sleep tonight.

    1. I know, I was shocked when I learnt this a few years ago and did quite a lot of checking and double checking.

      Alan assures me that he ate his chocolates over the course a couple of weeks ... he's still a naughty boy though. 🤣

  10. I've chuckled (in a kind way) my way through today's entry. You have a lovely way of expressing things that just appeals so much.
    I didn't realise you could get such a variety of Advent calendars. I must look around more carefully next time.

    I didn't chuckle at the back bit though. Sending lots of love and gentle huggles.

    And yes, Alan is a Very Naughty Boy and doesn't deserve one next time!!

    1. Kind chuckles are lovely 😀🤣. I think I'll leave it to you to tell Alan he can't have an advent calendar next year. 😄😀🤣

  11. Sue, I'm really sorry to hear about the osteoporosis. I discovered I had it about five years ago when I had a crush fracture of one of my thoracic vertebrae. For various reasons I did not want to take bisphosphonates so I did a lot of research. Vit D and magnesium are essential in addition to calcium but the thing that really made the difference was taking Vitamin K2. People will tell you that Vit K is all about blood clotting but that is K1. There are different K vitamins just as there are different B vitamins. In five years I have reversed my osteoporosis although I still have osteopenia. In case you think this is some internet rubbish, it might reassure you to know Kings College Hospital is doing a research trial to compare Vt K2 with bisphosphonates but the results won't be available for some time because changes in bone density take so long. In the meantime I can recommend a book called the Calcium Paradox by Kate Rheaume Bleu


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