Sunday 5 December 2021

Blogmas - Advent Day 5

Christmas arrived in a box yesterday.

I thought I would treat myself to a small Christmas tree for my new smaller life and home, and it's the first fake one I've had for many, many years.  It should see me out for sure, so hopefully I'll get my moneys worth.  She's sat in position on my little green chair to raise her 3ft height a little bit but at the moment she's naked except for one tiny Welsh love spoon at the moment as I don't have any fairy lights to put on her, so you'll have to wait for the big reveal.

Also yesterday ... while the wind blew a hoolie and the rain lashed down ... I got my other decorations out and celebrated our anniversary by creating a 'mantlepiece' on my radiator cover.  Then we had a glass of wine and a tray of nibbles and watched Last Christmas instead of venturing out for the coffee and cake we had originally planned.

It made for a lovely afternoon.

Day five of the Advent calendars and the socks are snazzy, I think they would be even nicer if the pink heel was the same colour as the toe and the top trim ... but hey ho that's just me 😄

The Aldi Beauty calendar treat is a little jar of Avocado Overnight Eye Cream, I've got a little test patch going on on the inside of my wrist to make sure it's okay for me to use ... I'm allergic to avocados.  But hopefully as I'll not be eating this cream I should be okay.

*** *** ***

To go back for Weekend Watching click HERE ... or press on Older Post, which is under any comments on this post at the right-hand side.  As I'm trying to take part in Blogmas it means you should post a new blog post every day up to and including the 24th, we'll see if I manage it. 😉

Sue xx 🎄


  1. It is a dear little tree and just perfect for your lovely Lavender Lodge. I like that it has its own basket to stand in. Fingers crossed that the eye cream is OK for you.

    1. She's a very naked tree at the moment 😲. I need to buy some battery operated fairy lights.

  2. Happy anniversary! We recently watched Last Christmas for the third time. I love the film. It never fails to bring a tear or two. You were much better off staying in a warm house than braving the horrible weather we're having Sue.

    1. It's a lovely film isn't it, we both had a tear in our eyes, Alan had forgotten the twist!!

  3. Thanks for posting everyday - it is an Advent treat for me! :)

    1. Aww ... that's a nice thing to say. ❤️

  4. Cute little tree and pot - we are still debating the size of ours and probably pick one up next week as we are going down into Derbyshire. Price will very much decide it for us this year I'm afraid a pension only stretches so far.
    I have reactions to a lot of creams so am very limited to what I can use. I once spent a fortune on some anti-allergenic face creams (a well known and expensive brand). I had sampled some for a couple of days before buying but then I reacted badly to them once I had purchased them so now I get more than one tester pot if I want to try anything new.
    Enjoy decorating that tree.🎄🎄🎄
    PS:I totally agree about the socks.

    1. It's a real problem isn't it, with this being an eye cream I will be doing two patch tests before I put it anywhere near my eyes 👀

  5. I agree for some reason the pink heel just does not seem to go with the rest of the sock.

    Enjoy your tree.

    1. It's just a weird 'design' thing isn't it. 🙃🙃

  6. I’m happy to hear that you’ll be posting daily. Happy Anniversary! I love Last Christmas!

    1. I'll do my best ... you might get fed up with my drivel by the 20th though 😄🤣

  7. Happy Anniversary♥ Perfect little tree for Lavender Lodge and I'm looking forward to the finished result. Awww I loved Last Christmas and will be watching it again soon:) I've had a few reactions to expensive creams over the years:(

    1. It is exactly the right size. If I ever get around to decorating it I'll post another photo 😄


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