Saturday 18 December 2021

Blogmas - Advent Day 18 - Weekend Watching 7


Day 18 of the Beauty Advent calendar and I have a tiny little tube of face mask to add to my toiletry collection ... and I photographed it in front of some books just for Sue in Suffolk who's having lots of fun trying to see the books on my shelves when they appear behind my little gifts. 😁

These are just a couple of books that I picked for their colour scheme rather than being of a similar genre.

And now for the final time before Christmas it's time to sit down with a mug of your favourite hot beverage or a glass of something suitably chilled ... depending on the time of day or your mood ... for some more Weekend Watching.

The first one this week adds this delightful 'old style television' frame to your modern flat screen, I loved it and yes, I used to have a television just like this when the boys were small.

Vintage UK Christmas Adverts - Epic Compilation - YouTube

Next, lets go and visit The Cottage Fairy again, I do envy her new job in that gorgeous book store.

I think I too would want to take my wages in books ... not good if you have living costs though!!

And finally, something for charity, after all it is Christmas ...

Why not download your copy today and help The Trussell Trust this Christmas.

Sue xx  🎄


  1. What a fun post! The vintage screen reminds me of the first television in my Nana's house which was actually a piece of furniture...I hope you enjoy the weekend.

    1. Our first television in the early sixties was even more old fashioned, and rented from Granada, a shop we had to travel to once a week to pay our rental to. 😃

      I was always envious of my aunt and uncle's TV, theirs actually was very a posh piece of furniture with doors to close when you weren't watching.

  2. Another one who'd have her wages in books too! I can remember tiny tv screens and just ONE channel (the Beeb) in black and white - and Quatermass and the Pit, which terrified me!

    1. Yes, I just about remember only having the Beeb and then along came ITV and we were totally spoilt.

      It was Dr Who that terrified me, I literally watched sat on the floor behind the armchair, getting under my Mum's feet while she tried to butter bread for tea at the 'kitchen cabinet'.

    2. We must all be the same age....little TV in a wooden cabinet, watching Dr Who and Quatermass and the Pit from behind cushions here too!

    3. Yep, we are all in quite a small age range ... and a quarter of my readers seem to be called Sue 😃💖

  3. Thank you for the books - these are a bit of a puzzle but I'm guessing the dotty ones are Country Diary? and of course I own the one on the top!

    1. Nope, not Country Diary. I'll show you mine when you show us your mystery book 😄🤣

  4. I've marked the YouTube thing to watch later - it looks like fun and I remember screens like that too.

    The cybermen - the old ones - used to scare the life out of me - they were so, so weird.


    1. Terrifying for small children, no wonder it was on at teatime and not just before bed. 😄

  5. What a blast from the past with that frame.

    God bless.

  6. So many of those old stores gone now (at least they are gone in the US)! I remember standing in long lines at the video rental store with my kids! How much easier to find the videos on Netflix and YouTube now. The Bookstore woman reminds me of when I worked in our local library. I always went home with piles to read!

    1. Oh I used to love browsing the shelves at Blockbuster for a video or three to hire for the weekend. 😃

  7. Crikey, I remember black and white TV and Quatermass and the Pit too. What a blast from the past that is! In the days before we had a TV I used to lie on the sofa listening to a radio play with mum and dad (probably at the weekend) and I could always smell delicious crispy jacket potatoes baking in the oven which we would have with margarine for our tea. Simply heaven! Mum named me Angela after a character in a radio series of the time (in 1949) no idea what it was.

    Sue, I can tell you have had a shop because all of your photos are so beautifully co-ordinated! Lovely photo today ;)

    1. What lovely reminisces ❤️

      Yes, I had two shops of my own and in between managed various charity shops and taught visual merchandising at meetings ... it stays with you. 😄🤣


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