Wednesday 23 December 2020

Blunders and Absurdities


It's not always that easy is it? 

 But I guess we should do the best we can.

It's that time of year when loose ends are being gathered in ... or chopped off, when you look back on the last eleven months and ponder over what might have beens and start thinking about them and the possible alternatives.  

Well I do anyway!!

But then there's the beauty of looking forward to a brand new year and the possibilities it holds, and the best bit ... starting to make plans.

I looked back over my Challenge blog earlier today and did the final update of the year long One Hundred Books Challenge, the year long Challenge that carried through all the other ones.  I didn't make my target of reading 100 books by a long shot but it was nice to tie up loose ends and add the link to my new blog at the end of it, and of course the book I'm currently reading ties in neatly with the new Challenge for 2021.

A Year of Modern Rationing

No doubt some 'blunders and absurdities' will creep into my new Challenge over the course of next year, but I really am going to give it my best shot.  Me and the girls are working out the final plans at the moment.

Sue xx


  1. I blunder on a daily basis, it is the norm for me. I often set myself daily challenges that I fail to achieve so my New Years resolution will be not to make one and to stop setting myself goals that I cannot achieve, simple achievements like remembering to put on knickers, wash and clean teeth, cook and clean for the men in the house and to get through the day with as little swearing as possible ( none would be impossible ),will be enough for a while.I strive to make my life as simple and rewarding as possible, I don't need the latest fashions or painted nails, nor do I need posh food or alcohol, I just want to be able to say at the end of the day -" that was a good day " and I wish that for you and your lovely readers too , Merry Christmas , Chrissie x

    1. Yep, I blunder through life on a daily basis, getting annoyed with myself and fellow blunderers as I go, but it's all part of life's rich tapestry 😀

      Merry Christmas 💖🎄 xx

  2. Looking forward to your new challenges.

    1. So am I, even though I am very shocked at how quickly the new year is approaching us 😀

  3. Programme about wartime Christmas on TV tonight - first of 3. Should be good.

    1. Thanks for the reminder of that Sue - saw the trailer and did a mental heads up - then in all the madness of the last two days, it had gone from my head!

    2. Yes I set the Freesat box ready to record it last week when I read through the Radio Times. I knew I'd forget if I left it until the last minute 😃

  4. We will start the New Year in a new home, with lots of Lockdown Walks to explore our new locale. We know Builth a bit from going there to Antiques Fairs on the showground, the Royal Welsh, the Smallholders Fair etc, and we know the main routes in each direction.

    I try and achieve something positive in each day and learn from my blunders! That's what life is about.

    1. It seems a lifetime ago since I was last in Builth for the Royal Welsh. I hope you have lots of fun in the New Year exploring your new locale 😀

  5. Always interesting to follow your comings and goings !
    Merry Christmas and look forward to a new year of new things.

    1. Haha ... I'm always up to something 🤣🤣

  6. Onwards and upwards. Here's to 2021 - can't be worse than 2020 can it?

    1. Nope, it just had to be better. Take care Pat, and try and stay upright 🤗❤️🎄

  7. Happy Christmas to you Sue. Of course there will be blips, and blunders, but that's part of the 'rich fabric of life' isn't it! I will follow your year with great interest.

    1. Exactly 😀. And a Happy Christmas to you too 🎄🥂🎄

  8. Yet again, your blogging resonates with my own ruminations etc. In the last week a massive reality check in the form of a car accident, has rather put things into perspective.
    Your challenge next year looks exciting. We are embarking on a similar one, inspired by but not prescriptive the WWII ration diet. I will continue to eagerly follow your writing- it's a reassuring, honest constant.
    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas Sue, regardless of the state of things local and global.

    1. Mine has quite a slant in it too, you could possibly say I'm sticking to the letter but not the law 😄

      Happy Christmas 🎄💖 xx

  9. Blunders sometimes bring the best results.

    God bless.

    1. I like that, and yes you are totally right 😀

  10. I am looking forward to the new challenge. A Happy Christmas to you and Alan and a Happy New Year.

    1. Thank you, so am I.

      I hope you have a wonderful Christmas Margie, all the very best. 🎄💖

  11. This may be my first comment Sue. I just wanted to tell you how much I have enjoyed reading both of your blogs this year. I live in the U.S. but I'm originally from Manchester so I love to read U.K. blogs.
    I would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy healthy new year. Jo.

    1. Thank you so much. I hope you have a very Happy Christmas and all the best for the New Year 🎉

  12. Happy Christmas Sue, Alan and Suky! I've loved getting to know you over lockdown and this weird year. Here's to a brilliant 2021! xxx

    1. Thank you, I agree totally, it's been fun dipping into yours and Jon's world too. Next year just has to be better 😀

      Merry Christmas to you both 💖


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