Friday 18 December 2020

It's All or Nothing


Sums me up in a nutshell

It's either all or nothing!!

Thanks for all the brilliant comments on the last post

You helped

You really did.

This morning I pulled my finger out and set to to lighten my mood ... and my hair ... in one fell swoop.  Long hair, on me makes me sad, so I had it all chopped off on Wednesday.  I was lucky that I could get an appointment as now in Wales all hairdressers and personal services will once again be closing on Christmas Eve and they are busy for Christmas and to combat this rush to bring locks under control before the close down.

  Having my three months of growth chopped off made my hair so naturally dark that I found it depressing.  Under certain lights it was okay but catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror every now and then over the past couple of days ... well it was just dark and dull.  My hairdresser had kept quiet about the colour of my hair a sure sign that she didn't like it, she always enthuses when I go in with blonder or lighter brown hair, so silence means a diplomatic 'bloody hell you've gone back to brown'.  It's not that she has ever coloured it and so is missing the cash, it's always been a done at home DIY job and she has no problem with that.  As it is she spends most of her time touching up the dark roots of the Welsh farmers wives that appear in her salon when the grey gets too much for them to bear, and she relishes chopping off my short, sharp and choppy hair and getting me back to neatness as a change in routine.

So now it's done, short and blondish, not super bright blonde but enough of a lightness to reflect my recovering mood and make me smile instead of sulk when a mirror jumps out and pounces on me.

In other news, we currently have a be-masked lady going round the house, measuring the rooms and drawing little sketches in her notebook ready to have a floor plan made.  Never mind making it easy for potential buyers to picture the layout of the house it will be nice for us to be able see it too, we didn't have one when we came to see it for the first time.  Forty pounds well spent if you ask me.

The rain is still falling, the fields opposite are under water ... but now I have my head firmly above it.  Onwards and upwards and planning my Challenge for next year, keeping busy and looking forward to heading back to my little flat for a few days.

Thank you.

Sue xx


  1. So glad you're feeling better Sue. A haircut always perks me up too although I stick to my now natural grey colour. A proper floor plan of the house is a brilliant idea and can only help with the sale surely. Will you be spending Christmas at the flat or the house? We are still not sure whether or not we can go our daughter for Christmas day. I hate indecision 🤔 x

    1. I do have to nip back and check the flat, but I thinkbI will be in Wales for Christmas. Fingers crossed it will be my last one there.

  2. Oh, I see how this goes...all the description and NO picture of the hair. Pooh..
    Glad you are feeling better.

    1. It's just the same style as usual so nothing exciting worth showing really.

  3. I'm so looking forward to your new blog/challenge next year. Don't think I'll be joining you as I'd miss peanut butter and fruit too much!

    1. I have modern twist in the rationing that allows peanut butter and some fruit, so all is not lost 😄

  4. Pleased you are feeling better. My hairdresser really messed my hair up last time, I don't know what got into her. Fingers crossed your Welsh home sells soon and you can start you're new life.

    1. We have a last minute viewing tomorrow. A guy who has just sold his house ... we have our fingers firmly crossed.

  5. There's me thinking you were a natural blonde!! Bet you are glad you got in before the next Lockdown anyway. I cut my own and my husband's, so I'm not bothered.

    Glad you are having a floor plan - it does make a difference, and yours was good value for money. When we were with a different agent, they tried to charge us £150 for one, so we said no, on principle!

    Trying not to think of your sweetie stash now - you must be very strong-willed is all I can say!

    1. No, I'm naturally brown with a reddish tinge, but it seems darker and duller at the moment. It's nice to be a bit lighter again.

      Yes I thought £40 was good value.

      I haven't eaten any of my sweets yet, I'm a bit strange in that if I have a lot of something I have no urge to eat it or use it, but if I only had a couple of things they would be gone in a flash.

  6. An update on our hair always lifts the mood! Hopefully the floor plan will help in the sale of the house. Take care Sue!

    1. Yes it's good to feel neat and tidy again 😃

  7. Goodness, I’d been imagining you from your photo, so presumed you were a natural blond. Short hair certainly suits you, and colouring it yourself must save you hundreds of pounds each year. I had worn my hair light brown/golden for many years (at vast expense) but during our lockdown I let the grey through, and although the mirror shocked me I’ve kept growning it out and now I’m variegated white/grey. It’s saving me over £60 every six weeks, and, as I’m closer to 70 than 65, I’ve decided that reality needs to be faced!

    On the subject of house plans, isn’t there a local Council building/ Planning Department who would hold records of your house? Here I can pay a modest fee and they’ll dig out the original plans, and those of any alterations that required a consent.

    Happy Christmas to you, and thank you for sharing your daily life with us.

    1. Haha, my brown haired secret is out. But most of my readers have seen our wedding photos with my dark hair there for all to see, so it's not a very well kept secret 🤣🤣

      The cottage has changed so much over the years, there aren't any floor plans held anywhere. There wasn't even a floorplan when we bought it, just half a dozen photos on a smallholding website.

      I hope you have a lovely Christmas 🎄💖🎄

  8. I used to cut my own hair and think I may go back to that. Keeping it short is easier for me to handle and I can do that with my electric clipper and attachments. I never dyed my hair as I am way too lazy and cheap to keep it up. I am old and divorced so nobody else cares about my hair anyway. :)
    Nice you got the haircut in before the Christmas rush and COVID closings!

    1. I can cut the front fine, but it's the mass of layers at the back I can't manage.

      Each box of hair dye costs me around £5 and does me two goes around ten weeks apart, so it doesn't cost a lot to keep my hair and my mood lighter 😃

  9. I am glad your gloomy mood has lifted a bit.

    I got my hair cut about a week ago and hoping that our hair stylists will be allowed to stay open as we are headed into a very dark period here.

    God bless.

    1. It's hard not knowing what's going to be happening next isn't it 🥴

  10. Lovely to hear you are feeling better and that you are happy with your hair♥ Well worth spending the money on the floor plan:) I stepped out of the box with my hair last week and it's look awful, doesn't help with the humidity here at the moment:( xx

    1. When your hair is 'wrong' it does affect your mood doesn't it. 🥴

  11. I've had two appointments cancelled now, one for lockdown and the one last Wednesday because my poor hairdresser has to self isolate. Oh, well, there are worse things than hair getting too long, I guess. I bet you feel great now it's done.

    1. We're back in a full Tier 4 lockdown, so that could be my last trim for a while! Yes, it feels so much better 😀

  12. I'm glad you're feeling a bit brighter, Sue. I can't tell you the last time I visited the hairdresser - it's getting desperate now :)

    1. And now they are back in lockdown ☹️

  13. I canceled my last appointment at the hairdresser's. My sister trims my hair, I'm letting the color grow out. I just keep it pinned back. I spend a lot less time fussing about my hair, and that is one blessing to come out of these strange and wearisome days.

    1. Thank goodness I got an appointment this week, hairdressers here in Wales closed completely at end of trading today ☹️

  14. Please post a picture of yourself and your hair. I would love to "meet you". ~Andrea xoxo

    1. I'll see what I can find, although there have been quite a few photos of me on my various blogs over the years ... some much better than others, and lots including a cabbage ;-)


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