Friday 11 December 2020

December Dark

And it is dark isn't it 

The nights draw in so quickly

And the mornings wake so late

Time to slow ourselves

To breathe 

To wind down the year

In a calm way

Niamh over at Fairyland Cottage has the right idea 💜

And so does The Cottage Fairy 💙

Just a couple of relaxing YouTube clips to enjoy whilst cradling a cup of coffee between your hands.

Sue xx



  1. It really is dark - on dull days my curtains are drawn by three thirty and I always have a candle on the go to provide that spot of colour and light. Plus the Christmas lights, of course.
    Thanks for the clips - I'll watch them later.

    1. Suky keeps trying to tell me it's teatime on a dark-by-three-thirty afternoon, she gets in a real sulk when I make her wait until actual teatime!!

  2. It's certainly dark here this morning and pouring with rain. One of those days to keep the lights on and stay in. (I've deleted the comment with my email from your yesterdays post and will get the book in the post)

    1. Thanks so much Sue, there's no rush to post it, hang on to it until you are just naturally near to a post office on your travels. I have just started another book and at the speed I'm reading at the moment that will be at least two weeks worth of reading, then I have my Wartime Christmas book to read through!!

  3. Hmmm. In a normal winter yes - but for us at the moment, peace and rest are out of the window as we doggedly pack and discard and go to Tip and Charity shop and have bonfires! Christmas will happen despite us.

    1. For once ... if things go to plan ... we WON'T be moving at Christmas time. But I do sympathise and feel your pain, I remember unpacking all our stuff on the 21st December at Isfryn and getting things quickly ready to have family for Christmas Day. Exhilarating but exhausting.

  4. Watched the first video complete with coffee. Sound ad ice. I bet a lot of us have been sustained by vloggers these last two months. My personal favorite has been John Rogers - for example,

    1. There's a v in advice of course and that link should be the one below. (Natalie's blog, which got there accidentally, is great too!)

    2. It's nice to follow vloggers who aren't desperately trying to sell you something or 'grow their channel' just for growths sake isn't it. I bet Ilona one of my blogging buddies would like to watch John Rogers walking films ... if she doesn't already.

  5. We’ve had several dark damp days here which have made me lethargic. I need to keep reading your advice and be calm, enjoy the quiet, knit, read, relax. The sun is back today, we ate breakfast outside and it felt good. I also need to remember there will be sunny days as well as dark ones. Thank you.

    1. Any bit of sunshine is wonderful at this time of year isn't it. I find myself standing on the riverbank with Suky mooching about at my feet and grumbling at passing dogs, turning my face to the sun to catch it's warm and pleasant glow. People must think I'm mad I'm not ... I'm just practising becoming a sunflower ;-)

  6. That poem is just lovely. In fact, it is so lovely, I'm stealing those words and carrying them back to my own corner of the world! I feel as if that poem could apply not just to December, but to the whole of 2020.

    1. Yes, the whole of 2020 has had it's share of dark days hasn't it.

  7. It really is dark and dank. Shortest day on the 21st and I look forward to the days getting brighter.i was definitely a hedgehog in a former life, sleeping through the winter and waking in the spring.

    1. Oh gosh yes, being a hedgehog safe in a little den for Winter would be lovely, I don't think I'd like the diet of slugs that much though 🤣🤣

  8. I really don't enjoy these dark days, so I'll be checking out these videos for some useful ideas. I'm off to work now, fuelled by mince pies :)

    1. Fuelling yourself with mince pies sounds very good 😄

  9. It is difficult to be peaceful here in the USA as our current president and his followers go crazy. I wonder about that young woman in the second video - just living quietly in the woods - does she earn her living through those videos? Is she ever troubled by the outside world or the actions of government where she lives?

    1. She lives in the USA like you, outside of Washington I think, and she's teacher, teaching kindergarten age children 🙂

  10. We have had fog all day today (strange at this time of year). While it makes the trees sparkle (frost is being formed) the dark seemed to stay with us most of the day.

    God bless.

    1. Today has been a really gloomy day,I had to have my car headlights on just after lunchtime on the motorway it was that gloomy.

  11. Love these 2 blogs, very calming and soothing to watch and learn♥

    1. They seem really calm people don't they, and they both have lovely gentle voices.


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