Thursday 16 April 2020

Corners of Home, Waffle and Inane Chatter

I was recently asked if after over twelve years of blogging I ever run out of inspiration for a post, run out of things to say or simply want to stop.

Well I have stopped blogging a couple of times, but always come back.  I have run specific blogs for year long Challenges and usually pretty much seen them through, there has been an odd exception ... I mean I got to December once on a year long challenge and then gave up!!

I have seen blogging buddies come and go and still somehow I am still here with over 600 views a day on this particular blog, my old blog had a much higher following and higher viewing figures but I never let that make me carry something on.  The secret to continuous blogging is that although you are letting the world in on your ramblings you are rambling mostly for your own benefit.

It's like I'm talking to myself, my fingers run over the keyboard as fast as the words whizz through my head.  Some days I can be lost for what to say on that days post, then a walk round the paddock with the dogs or a photo loaded onto the computer from my camera will trigger a whole myriad of words tumbling from my fingers to the keyboard.

A simple photo of a corner of home can trigger a post.

Someone asking for a recipe can mean I set to and photograph myself making something.  The recipe for these muffins is over on my other blog, where today the theme is potatoes ... see I can waffle on about anything!!

You can see for yourself here ... Challenging Myself

I have readers who have read my inane ramblings for years, some have vanished completely, some pop up when I least expect them too with a comment or an email and it's nice that we have a roving band of blogging fraternity.

I have met a few fellow bloggers, and quite a large number of readers when they have ventured into my area.  One lovely reader swerving up and onto our drive with such speed her poor husband who was behind the wheel of the car and was suddenly instructed to turn right ... immediately ... had no idea why his wife wanted to visit a random house on a Welsh hillside, but he took it in good fun once his heart rate had returned to normal over a mug of coffee while he drank in the liquid and the calming view.

But always we have gotten on well,  drank coffee, ate biscuits and waffled on together in real life.  And that's why I think I find it so easy to have ideas for blog posts, I am literally just chatting to my friends over a cup of coffee and a keyboard.

Nice to have you out there .... you are out there right?


Sue xx


  1. Yes - we're here :)
    For me sometimes topics run with a theme other times they are hodgepodge posts. Depends where my mind is at the time (and how organised I am)
    And I agree with your thought that you're blogging for yourself...... you don't have to justify your thoughts to anyone.

  2. Hellooooooooooooooooo
    Totally agree that we blog for ourselves and that's the defining criterion. Good, isn't it?

  3. Always loved to hear your waffle all the years you have been blogging. xx

  4. The secret to continuous blogging is that although you are letting the world in on your ramblings you are rambling mostly for your own benefit. --> I love that!

  5. Oh exactly...couldn't agree more. I was stopped in a street in Blackpool "Hello Angela- I recognise that skirt from the blog" yelled at across a carpark in rural Leicestershire "Hi Angela, hi Bob - I read the blog" and a woman holding the door open in a charity shop said "That's Bob...and you are Angela...I read the blog" It is SO weird, but wonderful. And I love the friendships that have built up over the years. You keep on rambling, as will I ...keep safe , keep well

    1. Yes, it's fun meeting readers isn't it. I've been accosted on Llandudno promenade when I shouted Mavis over and someone recognised her and her name, and then came over to say hello and introduce me to all her family another time I was loading my car in the retail parks carpark when someone also loading her car boot shouted over 'are you Sue from Our New Life? and I replied 'Yes ... who are you?' and we ended up have a little chat about my various blogs.

      Blogging friendships can be very special things as we find the people who we admire, and follow along with their lives, as I do yours.

      Take care Angela. xx

  6. Hello Sue, from a very sunny Dartmoor. Have read your blogs for years, but only commenting latterly. Helen S.

  7. Hi Sue, I'm always a reader but rarely a poster. We are holed up in Chester knowing that our little Welsh cottage is calling to us. Our lovely neighbour says that there are lambs in the fields front and back, the stream has little troutlings and the nesting box has blue tits. Bugger.

    1. I bet you're missing it. There are no car boot sales yet so you're not missing out on them ;-)

  8. Hello Sue, this was a nice post. I've recently started blogging again after about a 5 year absence. I've been keeping an online diary for myself for the past 3 years and for many years I've followed your blog and many others too but I used to rarely comment. I now comment a bit more as I think people like feedback on their blogs sometimes and it never really occured to me before. I like that you talk about the little things in life and not the great big elephant hanging over us all just now! xx

    1. Corona the elephant ... I quite like that as a name instead of Dumbo :-)

      Life is made up of little things, and I think a lot of us are only just properly starting to recognise this ... and appreciate it.

  9. The day we swerved across the road, still looms large in Davids memory foe some reason! He alaways points out your place whenever we've been on holiday with friends down your way. That day provided us with food for thought and altered the direction that we went in our lives.
    Your blog is one of the first ones I look for every day and have followed you since I found a photograph of your wee lavender shop years ago.
    I hope that wherever you end up, you'll still continue to write your blog.

    1. David ... I couldn't for the life of me remember your lovely hubby's name :-)

      Oh I'll always write, I do from the Van and I have my eye on a little cottage that has THE most perfect name for a new blog. I just have to persuade the current occupants to want to put it on the market and sell it to me ;-)

  10. forgot to say, if the lockdown continues for much longer we'll dig a tunnel from door to door, no-one will know that we've escaped. Say hi to Alan for us, Gill and Mike

    1. It'll be a long tunnel!!

      And you would have to beware ... second home owners are having short shift if they dare to show there faces in this area at the moment. Alan says hi right back ... and we'll see you at the next car boot sale.

  11. I'm here too,in fact I can't go anywhere at the moment as I have done my back and am flat on the bed in agony, spaced out on painkillers,puppy pads under the sheet as I can't move quick enough and am frightened of wetting the bed! And still I feel lucky, there are so many people so poorly and many others so sad having lost someone they love ,all I have to do is lie here and swear and move in a very undignified manner. Your blog is always a welcome read and often a chance for me to air an opinion of my own,thank you . Chrissie.

    1. Oh gosh, poor you :-(

      I know what a bad back can be like ... ouch. I hope things begin to improve for you soon. xx

  12. If you keep waffling I’ll keep reading xx

  13. We love your blog, especially seeing Mavis and Suki. It is nice to see your quiet part of the world. Thanks for making our days better.


  14. I've always been amazed by which of my posts have received the most comments over the last 9 years. It's usually something I consider inane, like moving things round on the mantelpiece, but I write for me, not for anyone else, so if they don't like what I write, don't think it comment worthy, or unfollow because they don't like a particular post, I couldn't give a rat's ass... all things that have happened this week!

  15. Sue, I enjoy your blog very much and read every new post. I always find your writings so interesting and the photos are great too. My life is so different from yours and I enjoy learning about you and your home. Thanks so much for blogging!

  16. Yes Sue, that is exactly how I feel. I have met quite a few of my blogging friends both here and abroad and several have spent a night with us in the past when we lived on the farm. Blogging has definitely broadened my life hugely now that I live alone 0 Many virtual friends have become real friends.

  17. Sue, thank you for your blog. I am in the US and have always enjoyed reading about your life. Now more than ever.

    Inane is wonderful ! ! !

  18. Yep, here in Rockford, IL, USA!

    1. Ooh ... I have relations in Illinois USA. Nice to see you here :-)

  19. Definitely out here! Always look forward to your ramblings and your "challenges".

  20. Yes we’re here, just because we don’t always comment doesn’t me I’m not here, I’ve read all your blogs from day one, sad isn’t it, but, I enjoy them thank you in these sad days I need a little cheer

  21. Hi Sue, I'm always here just don't always comment. Maybe I can learn from your post today as I only started blogging this past January. I have not done that well with coming up with topics. I hope to keep trying though and there are many blogs, such as yours, to inspire me. Take care.

  22. Hi Sue from Sunny (today, snow tomorrow) Alberta. I have read your blogs from day one but only occasionally comment. I love reading about your life and all your frugal ways!

  23. I always think of blogging as a diary of sorts. I love your "ramblings".

    God bless.

  24. You bet Sue - definitely here and enjoying your blogging more than ever!!!

  25. And then there are lurkers like me! I don't remember if I have ever commented, but I have enjoyed your posts for years. I followed you over here from your old blog. You always come up with interesting topics. Thank you for your posts, and especially now. Ann M


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