Wednesday 29 April 2020

Suky / Doggy Update

Thank you so much for all the comments yesterday.

Yes, we were so relieved that we managed to get Suky to the vets, if we hadn't she could have lost the eye.  Hopefully it will respond to treatment, and we'll see how things are improving, or not .... but I am optimistic ... tomorrow.  

She is getting resigned to us pouncing on her six times a day to administer her antibiotic eye cream and the moisturising eye drops.  She must be starting to realise that things feel better afterwards.

Both dogs have been down recently.  Playing out and running from one end of the paddock to the other is not the same as a good walk along the prom in Llandudno meeting and greeting other dogs and people.

Just look at Mavis ... this mornings photo sums everything up so well  😢 

Last night we recorded a show especially for the dogs on ITV ... How to Keep Your Dog Happy at Home ... and they loved it and were glued to the screen for the full 30 minutes, including the adverts in the middle which were predominently animal based or featured animals in them.  We've decided to keep it on the Freesat box and let them watch it at least every other day, we're also recording tonights Paul O'Grady's for the Love of Dogs, another of Mavis' favourite shows.


Before I go I was asked about Suky's name yesterday :

Google answer: Suky as a name for girls and has its root in Hebrew, the meaning of the name Suky is "lily". Suky is an alternate spelling of Sukey (Hebrew): pet form of Susan. This was totally coincidental, in a weird as weird can be sort of way, as I named her Suky in honour of Alan's Mum Jessie, who referred to loving, cuddly lap dogs as 'sooky sooky dogs'.  Suky was born the day after Jessie died.

Sue xx


  1. Oh my goodness Sue, I missed yesterday’s post. Poor Suky, poor you - how incredibly traumatic. Thinking of you all. xx

  2. I am so glad Suky is feeling better, it was horrible having a sore eye, such a good job you were able to get her to the vets. Helen S.

  3. It is so heart wrenching to have a poorly dog and seeing Mavis so sad is awful too, we have two dogs, we don't have a large garden but we can take them for their daily walks in our neighbourhood so we are very lucky. I do hope Suky gets well soon and that it won't be too long before they can go for their favourite walks. I will have to look at that programme, our terrier ,Teddy often watches dog videos on you tube, she looks behind the screen ,trying to find the dogs, so cute !

  4. My very first and only dog until Ruby, was called Suki.

  5. Poor little thing. Hope the treatment goes well.

  6. Poor wee things. I hope you can get out and about soon.

  7. Poor Suky - tell her I sympathize as I too have to use an antibiotic cream on my eyes daily - I have ocular rosacea.
    I've noticed the dogs around here acting differently as well. Little Gracie - who is an adorable ball of fluff - can't understand why no one is making a fuss over her when her owner takes her out for her walks. And poor Valley - the bulldog who lives across the hall - is starting to refuse to head out - I think some of the walks are determined more by her owner rather than her needs! :-)
    Last week someone sent me a beautiful video of all kinds of birds and their songs - I jokingly sent it to a few friends with cats - who reported back that their cats went nuts looking for the birds when they played the video!

  8. Sad dog photos! Hope you can post some happy dog photos soon. Feel better soon, Suky and Mavis!

  9. The name Suky really suits her well. I and love the idea of them watching and enjoying TV

  10. Glad Suky is improving. Awe the poor dogs look so down in the mouth. I miss the prom at Llandudno too girls!

  11. It's so hard making an animal understand they'll actually feel better once something has been done. But the penny drops eventually. Bertie hurt his leg the other day and it took ages for him to let us look at it. I cuddled him for an hour keeping him still and my warm hand on the joint and he was fine. Phew...relief.

  12. Glad Suky is getting some treatment, poor Mavis that sweet little sad face.
    Glad someone was thinking about the dogs with that tv show.

  13. Oh, that sad, "I want to go for a long, long walk". Our elderly Labrador gets this look when he's forgotten he has already been for a walk and wants to go for another one!

    Hope Suky's eye is improving. Poor thing; a sore eye is never much fun.


  14. Oh goodness so sorry about Suky. Glad you got to the vet's and she is enduring the treatment. All best wishes for a rapid recovery.

  15. So glad that Suky is responding to her treatment. What a worry these animals can be at times. Wishing Suky a very speedy recovery and sending lots of love. xx

  16. It's good the restrictions are being enforced there. There's a pug in the U.S. that has corona virus - 3 members of the family have it. A cat somewhere has developed it, too. We're being assured we can't get it from animals (if you can believe that), but apparently we can give it to them. In any case, I'm so glad you were able to get vet care for your dear Suky, and I hope she fully recovers quickly.


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