Wednesday 22 April 2020

Why This is So Easy

And this is why this lockdown is so easy for me.

I'm one of those people  πŸ’š

Even seeing the smaller amount of cars whizzing along the road that borders or land is making it feel busy.  God help me when things go back to normal and there is real traffic.

I love the calm, the simplicity and the peace of it all at the moment.

Pottering in the Net Tunnel yesterday was easy in the dappled sunlight that shines through the netting.  I was just planting up the end beds with the old Blueberry bushes, there's not a lot of life left in the old bushes but along with the Lavender planted on this side ...

 ... and a few baby Strawberry plants on this side, it helps the Net Tunnel look nice and productive.  

The rest of the beds are going to be planted up with this years vegetables as I've decided to leave all the hillside beds covered for this year and concentrate my growing in the undercover areas instead. 

 There's only so much you can, or even want to do if you are hoping to be away in the hopefully not too distant future, but it is nice to be able to go out and potter each day.

Sue xx


  1. I only noticed how quiet the roads were when I walked to the village last week. Whereas the foot traffic on the farmland where I walk Bertie is considerably more!!!

    1. Gosh I wish it were possible to walk along our roads, our dogs are literally getting depressed, they need some new smells!!

  2. Yes, it is nice. I am heartfelt glad that going to and working on allotments is a 'permitted' activity. Pottering with soil and seeds does my heart good.
    (and at the moment I have no problems turning out of the side road onto the main road)

    1. Getting my hands back in the earth is the only thing quite literally 'grounding me' at the present time. The only time we can pull off our property is to go shopping, and yes that is so much easier and safer at the moment.

  3. It's good to have the time to do what is needed to be done. Hah - that said, we are working flat out here, increasing the growing area and adding another soft fruit area too. Yes, we are on the market but it will look tidy and productive for any viewings. Which is another moot point - how are THOSE going to be conducted, when we are possibly letting infected-but-don't-know-it-yet into our home with me meant to be self shielding? It will be interesting to have the Agent's take on this.

    Meanwhile this sunshine is wonderful (a little bit of rain, at night, wouldn't go amiss though!!) and we are enjoying long walks along our deserted country lanes (they are never busy at the best of times).

    1. It sounds like your place is going to look brilliant for sales after all this!!

      I can't wait to get our property on the market as soon as is feasible. First viewings should be quite safe, it's when people start opening cupboards etc on second viewings that it will be a bit more worrying. Alan also has to be much more careful around strangers or strangers being around our place being diabetic.

      The only rain we have had has been at night, so I think I need to book another full night's rain this week as everything is a bit parched around the house, and the grass is quite patchy after the last cut.

  4. I like being home (working from home too), making food, keeping the house nice, being with my family. Like you, I could happily stay in this bubble, I like the long days, the slow pace. I shut out the news to a large extent as I can't deal with the anxiety and focus on one day at a time.

    1. I'm exactly the same. I'm trying to only watch one news programme a day, otherwise stress levels might start to rise again.

  5. Not everyone has the luxury of this choice .#Icant stay safe at home

    1. I do know, and sympathise.

      Both my sons and one of their partners are working, two on the frontline and one daily open to infection, and the other maintaining the trucks that are supplying the new hospital builds with supplies. Alan will also have to brave actually going into work in the next couple of weeks and they are trying to put together a way of working that will keep them all safe, as his colleagues travel in from all over the UK and beyond.

  6. Me too. For me a lot of my routine hasn't changed a lot. I go to work at the hospital, get groceries and go home. The only thing I miss is the library, although I stocked up with 25 books before they closed.

    1. Clapping for you on Thursday. You are appreciated and worried about. xx

  7. I love the garden boxes. Been building them here and find them fun. Happy Growing.

    1. Yes we have to grow in raised beds as the soil is poor hillside soil with all the nutrients washed away. The only way to grow things is to have beds where you can feed the soil and compost above ground level to get some nutrients into it that will stay.

    2. It's wonderful. I'm doing raised beds for the first time this year. Very happy to give it a go. Happy Gardening to you!

  8. I like it quiet too though I do like to chat to villagers but can still do that from a distance !

    We have a seal visiting our normally busy seafront and a snake has been seen on the sand !

    I love being able to hear the birds singing better with no sound of traffic.

    1. Unfortunately we don't even live in a village so no people passing to chat to, except the odd cyclist who has the chance to shout 'helllooo' as they whizz by. I'm missing the sea :-(

      But yes the bird song is amazing isn't it. Alan has been building a relationship with a bird on the hillside every afternoon. It sings a bit, he copies, it sings something slightly different, he copies again and then it does a really complicated one ... and I swear it laughs at his inability to get his reply even close.

  9. I totally agree with you Sue. I have been furloughed from work (fourth week now) and I love it. Not having a schedule to follow and to be able to please myself is very enjoyable. I really believe I could live in the middle of no where and be very happy. I know it's not for everyone, but this isolation business suits me. I don't mean to disregard these awful, scary, challenging times at the moment and my heart goes out to the many, many people that have been affected by our current situation, but I am enjoying the simplicity of just being at home doing my own thing in my own time.

    1. It is a time when we are all discovering things about ourselves, and those closest to us ... and what we can and can't live with or without isn't it. Good in so many ways, dreadful in others.

  10. I love to potter at home and the weather has been kind so far. I feel blessed to have a garden. It keeps me busy so I am less anxious.

    1. The weather has been a godsend hasn't it. I think I would be a bit stir-crazy if we had had four weeks of rain.

  11. I potter all day - would be hard pressed to say what I have done but it is always bed time before I know it.

    1. Pottering is the way forward. My days are all spent pottering at the moment, and yes sometimes when asked I cannot for the life of me remember what I've actually done!

  12. I've been living simply for years! It's just a bit simpler than usual.

    1. Snap ... I wonder how far down the path of simplicity we will end up going.

  13. I would be very happy to stay home but am busy doing a very necessary NHS job. I think I'll definitely need a holiday at the end of this though, I'm cream crackered! Enjoying the gorgeous weather as much as I can though. I'm not very materialistic either.

    1. I think everyone that has had to work through this lockdown deserves an extra weeks holiday on double pay after all this is over, especially our emergency services.

    2. Bless you, we may deserve it but won't get it Sue!

  14. Isn't the quiet just lovely!

    Pretty much an introvert here so as the Facebook meme says I have been practicing for this all my life.

    God bless.

    1. As long as we can stay healthy this is truly our time ♥️


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