Monday 27 April 2020


But then I already knew that really.

These strange days only serve to reiterate what we already know.  

We are managing with so much less, nature is nurturing us as never before and life has slowed to a virtual standstill for most of us. 

 While the key workers push themselves to their limits still working day in day out in medical, caring, emergency, food wholesale and retail and other vital roles ... of which Alan has one keep our country's wheels turning and us all safe.

We have a lot to be grateful for,

And we are

Grateful ❤

Sue xx


  1. I'm adapting really well to the even slower pace of life.

  2. It has been interesting that with most people I speak with - being very grateful is the one thing that most of them express. Yes, people are anxious and a bit stressed - but by and large, my family, friends and myself are very grateful for our great healthcare system and 3 levels of Govt. who have worked together to ensure that people and businesses can keep going financially, that food banks have received over $100million and that the homeless are being looked after and that we follow the guidelines as laid out by Health Authorities. I am very, very grateful that I live in Canada and not some other countries.

  3. Grateful indeed Sue - couldn't agree more.

  4. I am indeed grateful. Often exhausted and sometimes emotional though I may be, my overriding feeling is one of gratitude.

  5. A "smaller and simpler life" is really something to strive for. You are correct about that! I worry too much but am trying to calm my mind and be grateful for the little things. Thanks so much!

  6. If only I didn't have to worry about my daughter who works in a supermarket I'd almost be enjoying this! It's nice having the responsibility of having to go places taken away! We've a lot to be grateful for thats for sure. xx

  7. My walk today took a bit longer, because I kept stopping to listen to the perfectly quiet countryside.

  8. I am beginning to almost wish that things would stay this way for awhile longer. Hopefully my provincial government knows that opening things up slowly and carefully is the way to go.

    God bless.

  9. Yeppers. I am super beyond thankful. But like you, I always am. Each day I put my head down at night, I honestly feel thankful to have had the day and each morning, I'm like Hello Morning. So nice to see you again.

  10. Indeed we do, many, many things. And we have the time to stand and appreciate them too.


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