Wednesday 1 April 2020

Working and Snoozing

As I mentioned in yesterdays post we have been getting lots of little jobs and indeed some bigger jobs done while we are at home.  And hard work means that lots of sleep has been necessary.

We are managing this very well … all of us.

While Alan and the animals snooze more during the day in between jobs, I've been finding myself waking up later and later … I even got to 9.30am the other morning, which is unheard of for me.

We obviously need it and while we can … we might as well.

Over on my other blog today is the tale of us actually leaving the old homestead for an hour and venturing to Tesco.  We didn't need to but we had to.

I'll just leave it at that.

Sue xx


  1. < chuckle > What a cheery post, thank you!

  2. A lovely post! And the quote cracked me up ;) Alan and the pets look so comfy.

  3. Maybe the lockdown will allow many people to get the rest their bodies have been deprived off for a long time. This morning was a day off for me (I work at a hospital), and I slept in until 8am, but sneaked back onto the bed at 11am for a nap.


    1. It's good to be able to have a sleep in the day time these days without feeling guilty. Your poster at the end was a good laugh too.

  4. Naps are good. I love the meme.

    God bless.

  5. I find I'm napping more these days too. At first I thought it was because I was waking up very early - probably because I felt so stressed - but since the clocks changed my sleeping habits seem to have normalised apart from the fact I seem to need a nap every day! I must be getting old right enough!! I'm braving the shops tomorrow. I could go at least another week without going but I have to get some stuff for my mum so I might as well get my own 'wants' too. Take care. xx

  6. Love that poster! I don't think I'm ever going to get the smell of Lysol out of my nostrils!


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