Wednesday 28 December 2022

Betwixtmas Day Three - Guilty, Too Much and Who Knew


There's stuff everywhere and I don't know what day it is.

Well to tell the truth I figured out what day it was when the dustbin men came and emptied the black wheelie bin.  I had thought it was one day, but it turned out it was actually the one before!!  I felt guilty that they were back at work on their normal day while I was still engrossed in the tinsel-y fug that is the Christmas holidays.  Still eating candy canes and sausage rolls whilst watching old re-runs of  Christmas episodes of Midsomer Murders.

I do need to pull myself together and start to think of things for the very quickly approaching New Year.  I need to plan to eat my way through cupboards, drawers and freezer shelves of the mass/mess of foods that as usual I overbought in the run up to the big day.  I doubt the shops will see me in January or February except for a quick flit inside to buy bread or a pair of bananas.

I always buy them in pairs now, then if I forget to eat them before they turn the black that makes them too sweet for me to find appealing, I know they can be banana bread ... and I have developed a real taste for banana bread spread thickly with butter.

I knew my cupboards were getting too overly full when I needed to find a jar of silver-skin pickled onions to take to Mum's on Christmas Day.  I'm pretty sure they are in there, but it was easier to say 'Yes' to Alan when he asked if I wanted to accompany him to Aldi on his last shopping expedition and buy a new jar, than it was to buckle down and empty the bottom cupboard where I think they lurk at the back.

If I do eventually find them I'll let you know ... if I don't the journey was necessary and not just lazy, we'll see!!

The sweetie drawer is full of chocolate, and when I have a lot in I don't eat as much ... now if there was just one bar it would be gone in a flash.

I have so much food in that I really cannot for the life of me think of meals to have, and I find myself standing at the fridge staring at the shelves for far too long.  I should menu plan ... but that is for the New Year, for now I'll stand and stare and maybe have some garlic bread followed by a couple more candy canes for my lunch.

After all it is Christmas!!

Sue xx


  1. Love your Meme but I disagree - the hardest part is not figuring out what to have, it's the fact that if you don't shop/prepare/cook it yourself then you don't get any dinner 😄 🤣

    1. Haha, obviously I don't mind the shopping ... my cupboards attest to that ,,, and the prep and the cooking are okay too in my book, it's the mind numbing thinking about it that's the worst.

  2. I blitz "on the turn" bananas into a glass of milk with my stick blender, and have that in lieu of dessert. Or add them to pancake batter. My daughter puts them in the freezer, then blitzed them with a little yogurt and eats them like icecream

    1. I can't stand milky drinks of any sort (even using dairy free milks) but like your daughter I do have a stash of banana pieces in my freezer to either turn into 'nice-cream' or to add to fruit and green smoothies.

    2. Not liking very ripe bananas, I always keep them in the fridge. The skin turn brown, but the inside stays firm and edible. ~ skye

    3. I did try that once Skye, but I didn't like them at all when they came out of the fridge. It was weird to see the skins go so black whilst inside was so perfect though!

  3. I'm glad I'm not the only one who goes off chocolate when there's too much available!!! Every year I over buy Christmas food - but I won't waste it , the freezer bears the brunt and we'll be eating turkey, ham etc for months - serves me right! Happy New Year xx
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Yes, like you nothing will be wasted, it's all stuff I love and once I have a good sort through the cupboards everything will be stored in date order ... even the chocolate.

  4. Love the saying-we had a chat about this very thing on the last day of our craft group! I’m visiting a friend this afternoon and then tomorrow starts the tidying and decluttering once more. The weather here has been wet so walking has been curtailed. Catriona

    1. Gosh, yes it's been so wet here too. I'm sure that all the Summer emptied reservoirs are now nicely full again.

  5. We too have an abundance of food lots of which I don't eat eg meat, dairy and chocolate, and my " just in case " store cupboard is overflowing ,I find after Christmas I crave more simpler, basic food . My eldest son is coming all the way from Marlow to us in Cornwall today, so excited , I think I will send him home with a rather large goody bag, the New Year will be an effort to buy less, eat less and waste nothing.x

    1. I've been craving simple food too, isn't it ironic when we have so much deliciousness in our fridges and cupboards. I had noodles and tomatoes last night for tea, and the day before I had a jacket potato and coleslaw for my lunch.

  6. I so love that sign at the end. It's so very true!! I also find this time of year a good reminder to eat what I have on hand!

    1. Yes, I am definintely eating what I already have before buying anything else.

  7. My cupboards are pretty full too as the get together here on Boxing Day didn't happen as my Granddaughter came down with a nasty cold and sore throat which she didn't want to pass on. She kindly gave it to her dad and now her mum instead. It's a pretty rotten bug :/
    January will be a low spend/no spend month and possibly longer than that with my vouchers which I won!
    Simple meals sound good right now :)

    1. I'm so sorry you didn't get the Christmas that you had planned, there is so many bugs and colds going around at the moment isn't there, it would seem that no-one is immune.

  8. It is quite embarrassing how much food I have to use up. Like you, it will only be fresh food shopping for weeks to come, I expect. The freezer will be bulging!

    1. That's how I feel, even more so since I added all my edible Christmas presents to my food stash. I don't think I dare show the contents of my cupboards completely, folk would be shocked!! And yes, my freezer is full too.

  9. Trying to decide what to make for dinner is the worst...

  10. The last sign. So my sentiments. I loathe cooking and figuring out meals.
    There are some days when I simply text my DH and tell him if he truly wants something for dinner, he'd better stop somewhere to eat on his way home from work.

    1. Haha ... I don't blame you. Virtually every time Alan asks me if I want something from the chip shop I say 'oh go on then'. It just takes the pressure off for one night doesn't it.

  11. Your cupboards never cease to amaze me - if you opened ours you'd be horrified, they're almost empty! xxx

    1. I think I would actually find it quite soothing. I am hoping to get down to a basic store of my most used foods and eat my way through everything else. I do love a neat cupboard. At the moment I have to be on 'catch it if you can' readiness for things falling out of the cupboards when I open them!

  12. I shall have some root veggies to prepare and freeze, half a cabbage ditto and I'm sending Tam home with the red cabbage I intended to use over Christmas. I will confess to having reached the stage where I would like to snap my fingers and have something tasty on my plate instead of having to decide and cook first! Baking's another matter - I enjoy that and trying out new recipes.

    1. Yes, baking is not a problem, every time I bake something I ask Alan if he wants half and the answer is always a big YES, so baked goods don't hang around for long. I have no freezer space at all so I will have to eat my way through the fresh stuff in the fridge and then the freezer contents before I make a proper start on the cupboards.

  13. We definitely have an overabundance of food, but we stay stocked with a full year's supply around the calendar. And then there are sons and grandchildren who occasionally raid the cellar or freezer! For us, being stocked like this is a lifestyle.

    1. It's nice being able to share with family isn't it, my son always used to go home with a shopping bag full before he was with his partner.


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