Wednesday 21 December 2022

Blogmas Day Twenty One - Sunshine, Seeds and a Gingerbread House


Day twenty one of the Advent calendar openings and I just had to get a photo in that glorious beam of sunshine.  

Todays goodies were some sunny Tomato seeds ... phew I thought I was going to have to buy some ... a little jar of sunny marmalade, and from my Christmas decorations from last year recycled calendar my lovely little 'Joy' Emma Bridgewater mug.

Twinkling lights, and all things my style ... oh and another glimpse of Llama Lad.

Would you like a recipe for a Gingerbread House?

Sue xx


  1. Ooh it does feel like Christmas is-a- coming now looking at your festive displays and advent goodies, thanks for showing us them,and wasn’t the sunshine yesterday glorious.
    Ha! house for ginger made me 😃
    Country Cook

    1. It's racing towards us rather quickly isn't it :-)

      It was lovely to see the sunshine yesterday and again today. Once again the sky is blue and the air is damp ... so much better than horrible slippy ice ;-)

  2. HAHAHA! Have a sweet day.

    1. You KNEW I was a good baker didn't you ... Great British Bake Off here I come!!

  3. Now I just might be able to make that ginger bread house 🤣. Wendy Bribie Is, Oz

  4. Have you tried putting a slice of a tomato on a bit of damp compost.Dozens of seedlings within a week.Amazing.Barbarax

    1. I think I'll give that a go next year again. I used to do it in the polytunnel ... quite accidentally usually!

  5. I had read about Barbara techniqque, but forgotten. Thaks for the reminder! That jelly looks like sunshine in a jar!

    1. It's a good trick to try if you have some tomatoes that you really like the taste of.

  6. Haha...even I could manage to make that gingerbread house!
    We had a lovely burst of sunshine today here too :)

    1. It just lifts the spirits doesn't it a good few hours of sunshine ... and it almost dried my washing on the line.

  7. Love the damp compost and tomato slice idea.
    I didn't know gingerbread houses were a thing until I joined blogland, I've obviously led a very sheltered life! xxx


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