Monday 12 December 2022

Blogmas Day Twelve - Health and Safety for Santa


Photographing my Advent calendar goodies in a different place for a change.  

This feels like it's getting too samey ... anyone fed up yet?

Today seeds as you can see are Kale and the jam is marmalade, and in the Christmas tree recycled decorations calendar I have some little acorn type things, I can't remember what sort of tree these come from but they are real.

The little tree is starting to fill up nicely.

Meanwhile, outside the lodge the pavements are sheer ice, although the roads, once you are off our little cul-de-sac, have been gritted.  It was the Santa Run in town yesterday, downscaled to a Santa Walk for health and safety reasons.

We can't have two hundred Santa's breaking their legs now can we. 🎅

Sue xx


  1. Are you little cones from a larch tree? In which case, treasure them, because soon they will just be a memory, like the beautiful Elm trees of our childhood.

    1. From an Alder tree as spotted by Country Cook and BB below, as soon as I saw their comments it reminded me. I'll have forgotten again by next year though .... virtually guaranteed!!

  2. Please keep showing us your daily advent treats - I’m certainly not fed up, the cones are from an Alder tree they are often found along the waters edge or growing in soggy bits of land. Your home and tree are looking very festive and full of memories
    Country Cook

    1. As soon as I saw your comments I remembered, thank you. I like bringing the same things out year after year and just adding to them carefully, a tiny bit at a time.

  3. Not at all samey - I'm really loving seeing your daily treats.
    And I dearly love that robin. xx

    1. I'm glad so many are enjoying it, I think I just had a 'this is a bit repetitive' moment!! The robin was a gift off my Mum a couple of years ago.

  4. Anonymous beat me to it - cones from an Alder tree. Love your header photo by the way.

    1. I must try and remember ... Alder, Alder, Alder!! I love vintage glassware and twinkly lights at Christmas. The little jug was a present off John Gray when he visited a few years back.

  5. I’m enjoying it, please keep showing us. Wendy C, Bribie Is, Oz

    1. I'll carry on, I was just checking that it wasn't getting boring. Maybe if it was just a jar of jam every day it might be though!!

  6. I'm another one enjoying the daily reveal, please keep 'em coming Sue! Your decorations look beautiful :)

    1. I'm enjoying all the twinkliness this year, and having my special treasures around me. Spellcheck says 'twinkliness' is not a word ... I've just told it otherwise!!

    2. Twinkliness is a perfect Christmas word, in my honest opinion 😁🎅⛄🎄

  7. Just having a catch-up! I'm loving the seeds, what a lovely reminder to us winter-haters that Spring (and the planting season) isn't too far away!
    It's been snowing on and off since Saturday night here, it was treacherous walking down to the swimming baths this morning. Wise move to reduce the number of Santas doing their run! xxx

    1. Our pavements and canal towpath are lethal at the moment, no sign of a thaw for a few days according to the forecast. There were the same number of Santas, just at a much slower pace.

  8. Your posts are reminding me that we don't have many days left and I need to get busy! Hope to get some shopping done today and finish a Christmas ABC scrapbook I am making for my grands. Time is running out! :)

    1. Yes, Christmas Day is literally a week on Sunday, how did it come around so fast?

  9. They kind of look like our pinecones here in Canada. I used to use them to make wreaths.

    God bless.

    1. They are sweet little things, I'm glad they survived being packed away for the year.

  10. Nothing "samey" about it,,,Enjoying your posts.

    1. Good, it just felt repetitive for a moment, and I was concerned it might be!

  11. Lovely photo! I had to smile at your last part of the post. Santa Walk is indeed wiser!

    1. They did look good, and there was no out of breath red faced Santas for once, although lots of them had red noses with the cold ... putting Rudolph out of a job!!


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