Wednesday 14 December 2022

Blogmas Day Fourteen - Snowball Girl, Llama Lad and Fruit Pastilles


So, that's where Snowball Girl went to!!

She was lurking in drawer number fourteen of my recycled calendar from last year.  From this years I got dark marmalade and some fennel seeds.  Now I don't really like fennel as a herb or seasoning, but they will be sown and put at the back of the beds in the garden as the birds and insects LOVE the tiny flowers.

Why is there a jar of fruit pastilles in the photo you might be asking yourself ... well they were on offer at just one pound a bag when I ordered some Christmas sweeties from the Conscious Candy Company so I treated myself to four bags and tipped the contents into an empty jar.

This was one of the last of my ordered things to arrive and now it's time to wind all purchases down ready for next year.  It's nice to have a splurge every now and then if you are able but it's even better to know when enough is enough

Bought at the same time as Snowball Girl and from the same shop was Llama Lad, seen here peeking out behind one of the nightlight holders.  He's lucky that he was too tall to fit into the drawers!!

Sue xx


  1. You do make me chuckle - I don't like fennel either but I'll happily grow it for the birds & insects 🐝

    1. I'm happy to bring a smile to your face. :-)

  2. That Llama Lad is a looker! Fennel grows like a weed in our garden. I made pesto with it once but wasn't keen. I love watching the wildlife it attracts in the summer, Jon moans as it gets so high he can't see out of the kitchen window after July! xxx

    1. He's a little cutie, I might just leave him out all year round ... after all Llamas are not just for Christmas ;-)

  3. I was going to suggest sowing the seeds as micro greens but maybe it would be too strong?

    1. Yes, I think the flavour might be a tad concentrated and I have nowhere to grow microgreens indoors.

  4. These posts do make me laugh, I love them. I found fennel pretty easy to grow but really didn't use it so stopped growing it - maybe I should start again. xx

    1. I've always loved the look of the plant, but the flavour is not for me. It used to love growing in the polytunnel for sure.

  5. Gosh you do squeeze some quite big things into those little drawers 😂 If Alan goes missing we will know where to look! 😁😂

    1. Snowball Girl is very squidgy, but she was no doubt glad to get out of that drawer and get back into shape again. Haha, I'll need a bigger drawer for Alan ... perhaps I should work on that!!

  6. You certainly know how to get the most fun out of your little treats!

    1. You've got to have a laugh. With all the doom and gloom and bad news at the moment it's virtually imperative to take your joy where you can find it, in even the smallest of things.

  7. I don't like fennel or dill, but I always grow dill because the butterflies and insects love dill flowers! Maybe I'll add some fennel also.

    1. Insects etc love all the herbs when they are left to flower don't they, it's worth growing it for them, and of course they then provide the food for our tiny feathered friends.

  8. Not a fennel fan but I hope you enjoy your sweets!

    1. The sweets should last me ages, as long as I take them out of the jar a few at a time. Having the jar within reach while I'm watching a film is a great big no no, they'll all be gone in a few hours and I'll have the biggest sugar rush ever.


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