Thursday 8 December 2022

Blogmas Day Eight - Parsley, Chocolate and a Very Festive Cat


Today's Advent calendar offerings are a jar of jam and Parsley seeds.  

Now I have never successfully managed to grow parsley.  I've tried it in a greenhouse, in the polytunnel, on various kitchen windowsills ... facing in all directions and even from scratch outdoors.  It germinates, takes one look at me and then keels over and dies.  

I really do think it's just me that it doesn't like as I bought a potted parsley plant from Aldi a few weeks ago brought it home, it took it just over a day for it to start looking very sorry for itself.  In a fit of 'bugger off then you ungrateful plant' I planted it roughly in the tin bath outside the front door and said 'There I hope the frost kills you' and shut the door on it ... it's flourishing!!

I will follow the instructions on this packet to the letter and see if I can break this vicious cycle.

Also in the photo are my current two favourite chocolates.  The Vegan Blonde bar from Aldi and the NOMO Reindeer, which would be an excellent purchase for the stocking of any of your children or grandchildren that need dairy-free goodies ... and for me any day of the week stocking or no stocking, just because I'm a grown up and I can.  😁

And for your delight and delectation, a very festive pussy cat.

Like all cats, Ginger does love a good box or basket to sit in at his leisure.

Sue xx


  1. I have managed to germinate and grow parsley from seed but never succeeded in keeping it from bolting the moment my back is turned. But yes, sometimes replanting the supermarket pots gives great results.

    Ginger looks quite wonderful - next year's Christmas e-card image?

    1. Parsley and coriander were always my nemesis'. I don't send e-cards, the people I send to are not that up to date, perhaps I could edit out Alan's slippers and print out the photos though.

  2. Happens to me with Lily of the Valley. I have tried to grow this plant in various gardens over the years and with no success at all. I have read several times, that it is easy to grow anyway. Not true! June

    1. I think every gardener no matter how experienced has something that just will not grow for them. And yet we try over and over in a bid not to be thwarted by nature don't we. :-)

    2. ❤️ June

  3. Good luck with the parsley. I gather it is so hard to grow from seed.
    Ginger looks very pleased with himself. xx

    1. He does like it when he finds a new place to sit ... Mavis was quite jealous of this basket bed!

  4. I've grown it from seed - many years ago though. Ginger has definitely bagged a good spot there!

    1. He looks suitably festive doesn't he, although it couldn't have been that comfortable.

  5. Loved this post about temperamental plants, I cannot get a Christmas rose to grow anywhere in my garden and now, like you, they get no more chances!! Thanks for the giggle, take care. Jan in Castle Gresley.

    1. We have to be firm with our second, third, fourth and fifth chances for some plants to grow don't we ... lol ;-)

  6. I have never grown parsley inside. Outside it grows wild.

    Ginger looks very festive sitting there surrounded by gold baubles.

    God bless.

    1. I've tried it every which way ... it simply doesn't like me. :-(
      He looks very majestic and festive doesn't he.

  7. Think you might have a spam comment above me! Parsley and basil are my problem herbs!

    1. I don't know, I leave my phone for an hour and the Spam appears. Don't worry I get so much but usually I catch it in time for it's appearance to be fleeting!!

      Don't you just hate problem herbs :-)

  8. The photo of Ginger is so lovely. I agree that it would make a super Christmas card x

    1. It would, I just need to edit out the slippers :-)

  9. Meowy Christmas! I have tried to grow potted herbs and it doesn't work. It is not just the parsley that is ungrateful.

    1. They are some of the hardest things to keep alive, although I am a whizz at Rosemary and Lavender.

  10. Ginger looks great and that photo would make a wonderful card. I salute your green thumb, When I try to grow herbs they die in no time.


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