Friday 2 December 2022

Blogmas Day Two - By Request ... Mavis' Story

One of my favourite photos of my darling girl. 💖

There were a couple of comments on yesterday's blog post and then some emails, after me mentioning yesterday on one of the photos about Mavis being stolen.  So, I thought that as there are so many newer readers to this blog, and also lots of you who have never read through my old blog, I would link to the original posts on Our New Life in the Country that tell Mavis story ... and boy does she have a story.

Click on the link to read the original post.

Mavis a couple of months later, fully vaccinated, micro-chipped and in full health and about to be booked into the vets to be spayed now that she was healthy enough to withstand an anaesthetic.

And then she was taken from our land.

We drove the streets looking for her, informed Petlog, the neighbours, the vets etc etc but she was gone and we had no idea where she had gone.

And then we found out and I wrote THIS post.

After we got her back she was spayed, she was once again part of our little furry family and the most important thing of all was that she was loved and brought back to a good state of health.

Now she's getting to be a little old lady, occasionally incontinent, occasionally distracted and forgetful but always full of life and full of love for anyone that gives her a kind word and a gentle stroke.

Christmas Mavis from a couple of years ago to show you ...

... what I got on the first day of opening my calendars.

I hope this post answers all the questions about Mavis. 

She's a happy dog now and has been for the last eight years since we got her back.  Although she will always be jittery and scruffy, hence her name, she will also always be loved and be part of our family and one of the furry gang, who eat together, play together and sleep together.

Family ... it's special at any time and can seem even more so during the Christmas season.

Sue xx


  1. Such big eyes and a very white face. Our first grand dog is struggling now bless her.

    1. She's so much whiter of face now she's older isn't she, it only becomes apparent when I look back through the old photos, we are just used to her grey and white whiskers. Having an older dog is a real blessing isn't it. xx

  2. I remember all that happening. I wonder if Mavis remembers her terrible past? I hope not for her sake, but if she does she'll be grateful she's now in a loving warm happy home.

    1. She reacts strongly to the sound of animals in distress, especially puppies. So I think she has memories of hers.

    2. Oh that's heartbreaking, Sue. <3 Sending you all love.

  3. Thank you. It's a story that needs to be told over and over again. It doesn't seem that long ago since you wrote about it. Thank goodness it has a happy ending.

    1. The time has just flown by. Dogs and cats have such short lives compared to ours, we are so lucky to be able to share their years with them. xx

  4. Mavis is our favourite girl..i can remember it all and telling my girls what had happened to her..o the tears they cried for you and her..i cried with relief when you got her back where she belongs.The girls although older now still love to see her picture and they send love and hugs to you both.
    Sara, Fern and of course the one and only Iris

    1. How lovely to hear from you all. :-)

      Sending you all lots of love for a wonderful family Christmas, from me and Alan and all the little furries.

  5. Thank you for sharing Mavis' story. I know just how you feel. When someone told my husband he could shoot our dog if it trespasses on his property he told them he had better not because he would then shoot him! Dogs are more family than some family.😀

    1. Only farmers with animals in a field are allowed to shoot dogs on their property, anyone else that threatened any of my furries would be given short shrift.

    2. Yes, he was a farmer - i Iive in a rural area. Our dog was a black lab who was rather exuberant and I think he was trying to scare us. It could have turned into the OK Corral!😁

  6. What a history, thank goodness it is now ongoing so well. Our canine friends can be so trusting and let down. Breaks my heart and I am sure that bad animal treatment can lead to children being unloved......

    1. She's had a wonderful life and lots of adventures since she came back to us.

  7. Oh my goodness - I shed some tears when reading Mavis's story. Thank you so much for sharing it again, I do sometimes read your previous posts but had missed this.
    I'm not the only one who hates any form of animal cruelty I know, how can some folk steal other people's loved pets and do that to them? Thanks again I'm so pleased Mavis is where she belongs.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Because we had just gotten her back to good health, they obviously thought they were stealing a perfect Parson Russell to breed from, poor Mavis was anything but. Some people are horrible, it's a good job there are many more lovely ones in this world.

  8. I am glad that Mavis has you to take care of her. Your animals are well-loved.

    1. The animals get more attention than us, quite rightly. ;-)

  9. Oh my gosh. What a heartbreaking story, heartbreaking because you just KNOW that there are other dogs out there with the same story, with the exact same cast of characters. Some people are just awful. What a happy ending for Mavis!

    1. If anyone deserves a happy ending, it's Mavis. :-)

    2. I wish every creature, biped and quadriped alike could have a happy ending.

  10. Mavis has lovely big, brown, bright eyes.

  11. I have never forgotten your 1,000 mile weekend (possibly I never will). You are amazing, but I have told you that before. There is a special place in hell for the bastards who took Mavis, I just wish I could give them a bl**dy good kicking on their way there.

    Off to get a tissue (again) but not before sending you and all the four-paws much love on this cold evening. xx 💚 🐾 💚

    1. It was a lot of driving for sure, but worth every mile. I can remember the panic of praying I could get to the vets that had Mavis before they closed for the evening, and then the long drive back in the dark with a very upset and cowering Mavis. But once I saw her back in her own bed with a full tummy it made it all worthwhile.

  12. I was so happy when you got Mavis back into your loving home. As you say thank heavens for microchips.

    God bless.

  13. I do remember the story and Mavis's horrible experience. I was, and am still, so happy that you got her back. That photo of the three of them together is so adorable.

    1. That photo is great isn't it, it shows them all so well, completely different but so happy to be together.

  14. Thanks so much for sharing the story. Those photos (especially the last one with all three of your pets together) melt my heart! xxx

    1. They are a wonderful little gang of furries aren't they.

  15. I recognise Mavis! I knew of her years ago when she was a youngster and she was called Pip (not Pit), I won't go into all the details (she didn't belong to me) but I was sorry to see from your previous posts that she fell upon hard times before you got her. I'm glad to see she's a lovely old lady and is well loved.
    I was amazed to see her, I visited your blog after being told by another blogger about your Christmas video and then scrolled down and there she was. So very amazed but pleased to see her! All best wishes to you and your furry family.

    1. The vets recognised her as Pit that's why we knew her previous name and found out who here original owners were. She was very badly mistreated by her first owners, that's where her hard times and some of her health problems started!! The same as some of their sheep, one of which ended up staying with us.


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